Cool games that live rent free in my head

I love playing weird games and even more love introducing them to anyone who might be interested! The plan is to have this section a bit better at showing what the games actually are, but until that happens there will be this simple list.

Yume Nikki ◇ Signalis ◇ Pathologic ◇ Citizen Sleeper ◇ Hylics ◇ Paratopic ◇ NORCO ◇ Inside ◇ Scorn ◇ Final Fantasy VII (1997) ◇ Disco Elysium ◇ Primordia

Pipehell bunkercore/city exploration

NaisssanceE ◇ Stray ◇ Babbdi ◇ Cloudpunk

Bizzare wastelands

TESIII: Morrowind ◇ Sable ◇ Kenshi ◇ Zeno Clash