Age: 18Gender: male
Ability class: fisher
Physical description: taller than average, slender, white/light blonde hair, ashy tan skin, amber eyes, long stitched scar on the left side of his face crossing his eye, stitched and mismatched skin color on his right hand and two fingers of the left hand
Personality: INTP, curious, rebellious, stubborn, withdrawn
Growing up in the Order since being a small child meant that for most of Narya's childhood it's all he knew, but during his teenage years he started to realize that it might not be where he wants to be. Asking the Order nicely about being able to leave didn't work, so now he has to look for a different way out, because there's nothing he wishes for more than being able to live a life he decides himself.
Often spaces out and just observers the fish flowing around. Enjoys puzzles and reading books, dislikes physical contact, unless it's a cat.
Age: 20Gender: male
Ability class: enslaver/telepath
Physical description: short and thin, generally weak looking body, ginger hair, a lot of freckles on his face, eyes sewn shut and covered by a blindfold
Personality: INTJ, secretive, smart, hard to read
Formerly one of the loyal soldiers of the Order and extremely talented from young age, Nathanel ran away with Kal and currently helps the Bandits, the biggest rebel force of the city. He can't use his eyes, but is able to sense the life around him to some degree and see through eyes of others thanks to his mind reading abilities extending to reading senses
Age: 23Gender: male
Ability class: beast
Physical description: messy dark hair, dark brown eyes, stubble on face, often has bruises and bandages
Personality: ISFP, choleric, energetic, aggressive, somehow lazy
Formerly one of the soldiers of the Order who often got into fights. Nathanel saved him from being disposed of and later offered him a way to escape and join the Bandits. Kal rarely leaves Nathanel's side and often serves as his eyes. He often gets into fights despite not being particularly fond of confrontations.
Age: 16Gender: tomboy
Physical description: fairly tiny a thin, dark brown hair longer on the left side, brown eyes
Personality: adventurous, outgoing
One of the less active Bandits, mostly helping his cousin while living as an average citizen and working in a heat plant. Tare shares the house with Mia, whom he found on the streets and treats her like little sister.
Age: 10Gender: female
Physical description: tan skin, long dark brown hair with several dreadlocks, green eyes
Personality: playful, cheerful, nonverbal
Mia was a street kid raised by cats for as long as she remembers. At one point Tare found her and adopted her, and the two share a house now, though Mia still often wanders in the streets. She understands cats very well and thanks to them can tell where the fish of life are, as well if any fisheaters are nearby.
Age: 15Gender: male
Physical description: long red hair tied into a ponytail, green eyes, round glasses
Personality: xSTP, friendly, doesn't like rules, somewhat secretive
Narya's friend who took care of him when young Narya got lost in the city during a failed mission. Alex grew up in the Order but left before finishing the basic soldier training. Since then he has been working as an errand boy in the city.
Age: late 20sGender: male
Ability class: fisher
Physical description: light long and messy blonde hair, ashy tan skin, gold eyes, stubble on the face
Personality: ISTP, self-contained, freedom-loving, somewhat detached, wild, stubborn, distrustful
A stranger in the city, Bronze grew up in the vast forests far away from the city, who got curious and decided to explore further.
Age: ancientGender: usually presents as male
Race: fisheater
Physical description: usually appears as a tall young male with long dark hair, sharp teeth and weird hairstyle, his eyes are almost never visible
Personality: ENTP, eccentric, prankster, unpredictable
One of the oldest fisheaters, enough for others to not remember his real name and calling him either The Nameless One, or simply Umbrella because of the umbrella he's always carrying.
He enjoys watching human behavior and often makes deals with humans, seeming advantageous for them but in the end it's always him who gains the most out of it.
Adelarai (Rook)
Age: oldGender: usually presents as male
Race: fisheater
Physical description: always wears a bird mask and glasses, long light hair tied into a ponytail
Personality: playful, cryptic
Adelarai's antique shop is fairly well known among the Bandits and city's residents that prefer discretion. Actual visits are usually only the last resort though, because as payment for information Adelarai doesn't accept money but rather gives strange riddles or tasks depending on luck more than anything else. Failing them often has very bad consequences for the guesser.